Executive Management

Stéphane Kalla – Founder, associate – Strategy and development director 

Doctor in Philosophy-Human Sciences, graduate of Jean Moulin Lyon III University, is Professor of Philosophy and French as a Foreign Language, but also researcher in Human Sciences. Currently in charge of educational and linguistic cooperation (Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs), he has during his missions abroad designed scientific and cultural projects promoting the establishment of strategic partnerships in the fields of education and research by systematically promoting the virtues of interdisciplinarity. Convinced of the need to increase effective collaborations between heterogeneous disciplinary fields, he directs a research group, and a collection of books dedicated to Philosophy and interdisciplinarity: ATOMOS (Lyon, France).

Stéphane Kalla is the founder of the Humaneus Center, whose structural model he imagined and designed. He is responsible for its development at the international level.

Three Golden Doors

Joshua Immanuel Fu – Founder, Global Development, and Philanthro-economist

A global philanthro-economist, artist and creator, and financier, Joshua Immanuel Fu is one of the founders of Humaneus Center Global. He is not only the Founder and President of Splendor Plus, a global philanthro-economic group that has been supporting the Humaneus Center project since the beginning, but also the creator of the Humaneus Center Global’s innovative philanthropy-centric, commercial and government funding support investment structure. He has been leading the effort for developing the global prototype of Humaneus Center system in Asia, linking key cities with its European starting point, as well as supporting the overall structural development of the core Humaneus Center functions with one of the Humaneus Center Founder, Dr. Stéphane Kalla.

From the Americas to Europe, to the Middle East and Asia, this Chinese American leader has been a global cross-cultural and cross-industry development expert as well as a barrier-breaking innovation design pioneer with a focus on city and people co-development, supporting cross-national heritage and innovation development, building humanity-centric future city projects, and nurturing and supporting synergistic efforts globally. He also founded L.A.B. Global Creative Collective, bringing together like-minded innovators and pioneers to support efforts like the Humaneus Center project.

His passion, expertise, and unique capabilities are visible in everything he touches.

Erik Aliocha Anzi – Founder, associate – Creative director

In 1978, after working as an illustrator for 10 years in press and publishing, Erik entered the film and television industry in the United States and Europe as a concept artist and scriptwriter. He has worked as an art director for independent production companies in New York and Los Angeles and has participated as an illustrator in films such as Alien (1979), Conan the Barbarian (1982) and Blade Runner (1982). From 1988, he focuses on storyboarding, screenplay and production, mainly in Europe. In 2010, Erik left the film industry to devote himself to personal projects in illustration, production and writing. In 2016, with Stéphane Kalla, he imagined the HUMANEUS Center and now devotes himself full-time to its development.
Three Golden Doors

Agnès Callu – Strategy and development co-directress for research and teaching – IIAC (CNRS/EHESS)

Former student of the National School of Charters (published thesis, Lenoir Prize) and of the National Heritage Institute (INP / Conservateur du Patrimoine – State / Museums), Doctor in contemporary history from Sciences Po – Paris (Chaix d ‘Prize) Est Angel of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences – thesis published, reprinted in 2017), Qualified to supervise research at EPHE, Agnès Callu is Historian and Historian of Art. Qualified as a University Professor, she is a permanent researcher at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Contemporary Anthropology (IIAC) at EHESS/CNRS. She is also an Associate Researcher at the Practical School of Advanced Studies (HISTARA Team) and at ITEM / ENS (Creation Process / Genesis of the Work Team). She recently published: in 2016, Gaëtan Picon, Letters and the Arts: in the studio of creation [pref. Jean-Michel Leniaud], (Éditions Champion) and Autopsy of the museum: case study (1880-2010) [pref. Roland Recht,] (CNRS-Éditions); in 2018, Culture and local elites in France (1947-1989) [pref. Jean-Louis Fabiani] (CNRS-Éditions), Le Mai 68 des historiens, [pref. Patrick Boucheron], Presses Universitaires du Septentrion and, with Roland Recht, L’Historien de l’art: Conversation dans l’atelier (L’Atelier contemporain); in 2019, Dessein, Dessin, Design: for a media factory of history (Hubtopia Publishing); in 2020, Epistemology of drawing. Concepts, reading and interpretations, XIX-XXth c. (Éditions Jacques André). Since 2019, she has directed at Éditions Gourcuff-Gradenigo, a collection entitled “The Drawing in the Present”.
Agnès Callu

Mathieu Maurer Vuille – Founder, associate – Financial director

Former elite athlete and holder of a Master’s degree in Management from HEC, Mathieu Maurer Vuille is a Swiss entrepreneur active in the fields of computer science and Web design. Web designer from 1998, IT specialist from 2003 and company manager from 2006, Mathieu is always eager to find new challenges. He joined Three Golden Doors in 2017 as financial director and head of web development.
Three Golden Doors

Specialists and partner institutions

Mehdi Ammi – Université Paris VIII

Mehdi Ammi is a professor at the University of Paris 8. He is an engineer in electronics, a doctorate in robotics and qualified to supervise research in computer science. His research activities are interested in artificial intelligence applied to Human-Environment Interaction and more precisely in the modalization of the different human components: physiological components, psychological components, social components, etc. Mehdi Ammi has led or participated in more than 20 national and international projects, with socioeconomic partners. He has also led several working groups at national and international level: EuroVR HAPTIC SIG, IEEE TCH, GT E-Santé / Paris-Saclay, etc.
Mehdi Ammi

Olivier Barbeau – Creative Director – Artanim & Dreamscape Immersive Europe

Olivier is a director, a manager, a business developer and a digital artist, always looking to explore new ideas and projects that blend technologies, strong visual art and team management.
After a bachelor degree at Emile Cohl (Lyon, France) and a Master Degree in Computer Graphics at ECAL (Lausanne, Switzerland), Olivier moved to Los Angeles to work for Rhythm & Hues Studios on commercials and movies for Universal, Warner, Disney and Sony. Six years later, he moved back to Switzerland, and spent 12 years managing two private art schools focusing on design, architecture, illustration and animation.
Naturally, the next step was virtual reality. As a production director and art director at Kenzan Studios in Geneva, Olivier challenged his 25 years of experience in computer animation and dived into this new cutting edge technology.
He likes to « lead by example, build by aspiration and create by optimism.

Caecilia Charbonnier – Cofonder of Artanim

Following her PhD degree in Computer Science in 2010 from MIRALab – University of Geneva, Caecilia co-founded Artanim, a center specialized in motion capture technologies. She holds the position of President & Research Director. She is also the President of the National Thematic Network Virtual Switzerland, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Radiology and Medical Informatics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, and Professor of Practice at the School of Arts, Media and Engineering, Herberger Institute, Arizona State University.
Her interdisciplinary work focusses on the use of motion capture for 3D animation, VR/AR, live performances, movement science, orthopedics, and sports medicine. The results of her research have been published in more than 90 international scientific articles and awarded several prizes and distinctions (2009 Eurographics Medical 1st Prize, 2011 ISAKOS Achilles Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Research Award, 2014 CAOS Best Technical Paper Award, 2014 EFORT Best Poster Discussion, 2015 SIGGRAPH Finalist of the Immersive Realities (VR/AR) Contest, 2016 Laval Virtual Award, 2017 Swiss ICT Award Finalist). Her VR work has also been showcased at renowned film festivals such as Sundance New Frontier 2016 and 2018, Cannes Film Festival 2016 and the Biennale di Venezia 2018. Finally, she is the Co-Founder & Chief Innovation Officer of Dreamscape Immersive.

Dominique Chateau – Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne – Institut ACTE (Arts, Creations, Theories and Aesthetics)

Dominique Chateau is professor emeritus at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and a member of the ACTE Institute. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Nouvelle Revue d’Esthétique (Presses Universitaires de France) and temporary lecturer at the École supérieure du paysage in Versailles. Trained in philosophy and logic at the Sorbonne, he teaches aesthetics and film studies. He has published in aesthetics: Plastic arts: archeology of a notion, Jacqueline Chambon, 1999. What is an artist? Presses Universitaires de Rennes (PUR), 2008. The aesthetic experience: intuition and expertise, PUR, 2010. After Charlie: the denial of representation, the waterfront, 2016. A Japanese aesthetic. Art and taste in floating mode, Harmattan editions, 2019. In Film Studies: Cinema and Philosophy, Nathan, 2003. Subjectivity (ed.), Amsterdam University Press (AUP), 2011. The Invention of the Concept of Montage. Lev Kouléchov, film theorist, l’Amandier editions, 2013.Screens (with José Moure), AUP, 2016. Contribution to the history of the concept of editing. Kulechov, Poudovkin, Vertov and Eisenstein, Harmattan editions, 2019. Post-cinema. Cinema in the Post-art Era, with José Moure, AUP, 2020.
Dominique Chateau

Raphael Cuir – Director of ESAD the Reims (Higher Schools of Art and Design Network to the Grand Est region)

Raphael Cuir is the Director of ESAD the Reims since January 2018.President of the Higher Schools of Art and Design Network to the Grand Est region from 2015 to 2017 he was project manager at ENSAD Paris for the Nespresso Eco-Design Chair and the Chair “Innovation and Know-How” of the Foundation Bettencourt Schuller. He was also scientific project manager of the Research Chair in Creation and Creativity (CCIP, City of Design of Saint-Etienne, Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels) from 2008 to 2010.From 2012 to 2018 he was President of AICA France (International Association of Art Critics).
Critic and art historian PhD (EHESS), he is the author of Anatomiquement vôtre, art contemporain et connaissance de soi (Scala, 2018) and Renaissance de l’Anatomie (Hermann, 2016). He also contributed to numerous collective works and directed several publications, including the collection of answers to the question “Why is there art rather than nothing?” (Archibooks, 2014, 2009) and Art Performance : vie de l’archive et actualité (Press du réel, 2013). In 2005-2006 he received a research fellowship for a residence at the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles where he taught at Otis College of Art and Design. He is a regular contributor to artpress journal, for which he edited a special issue on Cyborg in 2012. In 1999 he created the first television channel dedicated to the history of art on the Internet “Mémoires Actives”.

Jean-Paul Delahaye – Université de Lille – CRISTAL Laboratory (Mixed Research Units CNRS)

Jean-Paul Delahaye is a mathematician and computer scientist. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Lille and researcher at the CRISTAL laboratory (Lille Research Center in Signal and Automatic Computing, UMR CNRS 9189). His work focuses on sequence transformation algorithms (State Thesis), on the use of logic in Artificial Intelligence (expert systems, logical languages) on the computational theory of games (iterated games, simulation of social systems, study cooperation), and on algorithmic information theory (Kolmogorov’s theory of complexity, notion of content in calculations) with applications to bioinformatics and finance. Today he works mainly on game theory themes (A.I. and multi-agent systems) and on cryptographic currencies and “blockchain technology”. He is also interested in ethical issues in science and is a member of the CNRS Ethics Committee (COMETS). He supervised 20 theses. He is the author of around twenty books, part of which is intended for a wide audience. In 1998, he received the Prix d’Alembert from the Mathematical Society of France and, in 1999, the Author Award for Scientific Culture from the Ministry of National Education and Research. He maintains the monthly Logic and Calculus column (6 pages) in the journal Pour la science (French version of Scientific American). He has a blog devoted to “Complexities”.
Jean-Paul Delahaye

Natasha Devaux – Technical director in visual effects

Born and raised in Switzerland, Natasha is a technical director in visual effects for movies and is currently based in San Francisco. After a couple of years at Rhythm & Hues Studios in Hollywood, she has been at Industrial Light + Magic, Lucasfilm’s VFX branch, for the past 22 years. Her credits include several Star Wars, Transformers, Harry Potter and Marvel movies. Natasha holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Graphics from ECAL (Lausanne, Switzerland) as well as a degree in Education and a background in fashion design.
Natasha Devaud

Michel Dufourd – Artistic director

Graduated from EAD Geneva, graphic designer, storyboard artist, 3D-generalist, He expresses himself in the design and creation of imaginary universes, broadcast branding and motion design. Occasional lecturer in visual narration & storyboarding at the Geneva University of Art and Design, his long professional experience in the field of television has led him to practice a wide range of audio-visual techniques. An animation director, his films have been screened and some have won awards at numerous international festivals such as Annecy, Brussels, São Paulo, Ottawa, Solothurn, Tempere in Finland and the Children’s film festival in New York.

Jean-Joël Duhot – Université Jean moulin Lyon 3 & IRPHIL (Institute of Philosophical Research of Lyon)

Doctor of State in Philosophy, Associate of Letters and Philosophy, Jean-Joël Duhot is professor-researcher emeritus at the University of Lyon. Philosopher, Hellenist, and musician, he has worked for half a century on the foundations of rationality, in a search for historical epistemology. He notably brought to light the central place which, since Pythagoras, the theory of music has occupied in the constitution of scientific reason. Throughout his articles and books, some of which are translated into several languages, he develops an in-depth analysis that rethinks the whole construction of our modernity. This does not prevent him from being a specialist in Greek philosophy, which has renewed our reading of Plato and the Stoics.
His work is based on a broad multidisciplinary approach, at the crossroads of philosophy, the history of ideas, history, archeology, geography, the history of art, and religious sciences. He thinks of philosophy as a global grasp of reality, while integrating the long term, in the tradition of French historiography.
Jean-Joël Duhot

Yolaine Escande – CRAL/EHESS

Yolaine Escande is a specialist in Chinese graphic arts, calligraphy and painting, whose fundamental treatises she translated from Chinese into French (Notes sur ce que j’ai vu et entendu en peinture,1994; Traités sur la peinture et la calligraphie chinoises,, t. 1, 2003, t.2, 2010; Esquif sur l’Ocean of the painting by Shen Zongqian, 2019) and analyzed and presented the aesthetic principles (L’Art en Chine, 2001, Montagnes et eaux. La culture du shanshui, 2005; Jardins de la sagesse en Chine et Japon, Seuil, 2013). His research concerns their artistic, philosophical, aesthetic and cultural interactions with Western art (in particular, in collaboration with Vincent Shen and Li Chenyang, Inter-culturality and Philosophic Discourse, Cambridge SP, 2013; with Jean-Noël Bret, Le paysage entre art and nature, PUR, 2017). She has also edited in collaboration with Johanna Liu since 2006 more than twelve issues of the journal Universitas, Monthly Review in Philosophy and Culture (referenced A & HCI), in English and Chinese. She is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Society of Chinese Philosophy, has assumed the scientific direction of the Treasures exhibition of the Beijing Art Museum at the Gaillac Museum of Fine Arts (2018). She is currently a full member of the Advisory Committee for UNESCO Works of Art (ACWA), 2018-2022.
Yolaine Escande

Alain Fleischer – President co-founder of Studio national des arts contemporains Le Fresnoy

Alain Fleischer was born in 1944 in Paris.
Studies in literature, linguistics and animal biology at the Sorbonne (University of Paris V), anthropology and semiology at the Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Quebec in Montreal (Canada). Doctor Honoris Causa from the European University of Human Sciences in Vilnius (Lithuania). Alain Fleischer has received numerous international prizes, laureate of the Académie de France in Rome, he stayed at the Villa Medici from 1985 to 1987. At the request of the French government, he designed the Studio National des Arts contemporains Le Fresnoy, inaugurated in 1997.
Alain Fleischer is also a speaker and teacher. He is the author of more than fifty literary works (novels, collections of short stories, essays) published by the best French publishers (Gallimard, Le Seuil, Grasset, Actes Sud, Fayard, Verdier, Fata Morgana). Alain Fleischer has made some three hundred and fifty films in genres as diverse as feature films, experimental cinema and art documentaries. His films have been screened at international festivals in Cannes, Venice, Berlin, Locarno, Montreal, Rotterdam, Toronto, Thessaloniki, New York. Retrospectives of his work have been presented in the United States (Anthology Film Archives, New-York), in Italy (Festival del Nuovo Cinema de Pesaro), in Canada (Cinémathèque du Québec, Montreal), in France (Center Pompidou and Jeu Palm). The work of artist and photographer Alain Fleischer gave rise to a retrospective at the Center national de la Photographie (CNP) in 1995, at the European House of Photography (MEP) and at the Center Pompidou in 2003.
Alain Fleischer

Dominique Garcia – President of l’Inrap (National Institute for Preventive
Archaeological Research)

University professor, honorary member of the Institut universitaire de France and President of Inrap (National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research), Dominique Garcia is an archaeologist. He conducts research on protohistoric societies (Celts, Gauls, Iberians and Ligurians), in particular on their urban process, their economy and the contacts they had with classical civilizations (Phoenicians, Etruscans, Greeks and Romans).
He participated and directed numerous excavations in France but also in Italy, Greece and Syria. He is the author of more than 200 scientific articles, recently published “Les Gaulois” (CNRS éditions, 2021), and directed with Jean Guilaine “La Protohistoire de la France” (Hermann, 2018), and with Jean-Paul Demoule and Alain Schnapp “Une Histoire des civilisations” and “Comment l’archéologie bouleverse nos connaissances” (La Découverte, 2018).
Dominique Garcia

Farid Lakkimi – Filmmaker – Producer

A graduate of a master’s degree in Performing Arts, specializing in Cinema and Screenplay, obtained at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, and Producer and Director, Farid is also trilingual (French, Arabic, Berber). Farid Lakkimi has created two independent companies, Obscura Entertainment and Sadden Production, one in Morocco and one in France, for the creation of audiovisual projects.

Currently in production for different missions, he has extensive experience abroad as well as in France for the implementation of international projects (he has twice obtained the Moroccan Cinematographic Center Aid Fund). This has allowed him to develop his skills on an artistic, technical and strategic level by focusing on human relationships and building solid partnerships.

Having made short films (Le Cordon, selected at the Short Film Corner Festival in Cannes), but also feature films (Coeur Noyé distributed in 26 Arab countries) and documentaries (I Love You Greece Selected at the AEGEANDOCS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL in Lesbos), Farid Lakkimi was able to enrich himself through these experiences and complete his knowledge in the audiovisual field, by mastering the entire production chain for the completion of an artistic project.


Ferruh Yasar

Ferruh Yasar is a professional with an atypical background, combining legal expertise, international business skills and a passion for the culinary arts. Thanks to his versatile background, he embodies an innovative approach to navigating the worlds of business and gastronomy with agility and creativity.

With a degree in law and international trade from the Université de Droit de Dijon, he has mastered the fundamentals of management and business creation. However, in 2014, he made the switch to gastronomy by joining the prestigious FERRANDI culinary arts school in Paris.

He held a key role in Istanbul at Business France (French Ministry of Foreign Trade), before founding his own business intelligence company, CoDA. He has drawn up development strategies for leading French companies in a wide variety of sectors (pharmaceuticals, aeronautics, packaging, transport and cosmetics), helped them set up in Turkey and strengthened their presence on the local market.

At British FinTech MyAhmed, he managed the set-up and operations of the customer relations team in Turkey. He also developed the marketing strategy for the French market, focusing on optimizing social networking campaigns.

Alongside his professional duties, he continued to pursue his passion for pastry-making, working in renowned Parisian establishments where he was able to express his culinary creativity. In Istanbul, he also took part in a prime-time cooking show on Turkish television and gave pastry workshops for amateurs and professionals.


Marie Lavandier – Directress of Musée du Louvre-Lens

Art historian and anthropologist by training, Marie Lavandier has been the general heritage curator, director of the Louvre-Lens Museum since September 2016.
Her career at the head of both national and regional establishments and services testifies to an interest in transversal and interdisciplinary approaches to heritage: the Dreux Museum of Art and History; Museum of President Jacques Chirac in Sarran; Quai Branly Museum; Center for Research and Restoration of Museums of France (C2RMF); museums of the City of Nice, before joining the Louvre-Lens Museum.
Marie Lavandier

Benoît Le Callennec – CEO and co-founder of Moka Studio

He holds a PhD in computer graphics from EPFL and has 15 years of experience in 3D animation R&D. Benoit participated in the invention of NumIK, the cutting-edge technology behind the award winning software Mosketch.
Moka Studio

Jean-Michel Leniaud – EPHE/PSL (Practical School of Higher Studies)/(University Paris Sciences & Letters)

Jean-Michel Leniaud is a senior French civil servant and art historian. Palaeographer archivist, teacher-researcher and inspector of historical monuments, specialist in Architecture and the Arts in the 19th and 20th centuries. Director of the National School of Charters from 2011 to 2016, he was Director of Studies at the Practical School of Advanced Studies, EPHE.
Former UNESCO heritage consultant and Council of Europe expert. International academic expert, former member of the European college of graduates EPHE / TU Dresden. Invited to numerous universities and foreign institutions, his research focuses on the architecture of the 19th and 20th centuries, on artistic institutions and on religious history in connection with the arts. It also leads a reflection on the notion of heritage in our society. He also directed the publication of the minutes of the Academy of Fine Arts after 1811. Until 2018 he was editor-in-chief of the biannual journal Deliveries of the history of architecture.
On March 27, 2020, Jean-Michel Leniaud was appointed member of the scientific council of the public institution responsible for the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral.
Jean-Michel Leniaud

Sophie Makariou – Directress of Musée national des arts asiatiques – Guimet

General Curator of Heritage, she began her career at the Louvre Museum, in the Department of Oriental Antiquities. A graduate of the Louvre School in Art History and the Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in History (M2), she was also trained at the National Institute of Oriental Arts and Civilizations (classical Arabic). In 2001 she was charged by the president of the Louvre, Henri Loyrette, with the foreshadowing of the department of the arts of Islam. Director of the Islamic Arts Department, she orchestrated its creation until its inauguration by the President of the French Republic in 2012. Specialists in cultural interactions between civilizations, she has published numerous studies on the theme of exchanges and was appointed president of the National Museum of Asian Arts-Guimet in 2013. She is a Knight of Arts and Letters and in the National Order of Merit and was awarded in the “Order of the Rising Sun, Rayons d’Or en Sautoir” in 2019.
Sophie Makariou

Philippe Mathieu – Université de Lille – CRISTAL Laboratory (Mixed Research Units CNRS)

Mr. Philippe Mathieu is professor of computer science at the University of Lille. Knight in the order of academic palms, he holds a doctorate and an accreditation to supervise research from the University of Lille. For more than 20 years, he has managed the SMAC team of the CRISTAL UMR 9092 CNRS laboratory and has worked for many years in the field of Artificial Intelligence, specializing in person-centered approaches, complex systems, modeling of information systems, and data mining. Prof. Mathieu has more than a hundred international publications and has supervised more than 20 doctoral theses on this subject. Once again, this year he won the best simulation prize at the “Driving Simulation Conference” in Nice. He is also president of the jury for the best AI thesis of the French Association for Artificial Intelligence (AFIA), leader of the “Interactions” research group within the CRISTAL laboratory and member of the scientific council of this laboratory. He was also vice-president of the University of Lille for 10 years, in charge of digital innovation, and was elected president for 10 years of the IT recruitment committee (CSE) for IT for all of establishment.

Ronald Menzel – Chief Strategy Officer – Dreamscape Immersive

Ronald is a serial entrepreneur and activist who has dedicated his life to imagining innovative projects where cutting-edge technology is
used to create out of the ordinary customer experiences. Co-founder of Dreamscape Immersive, the Geneva and Los Angeles based company who is aiming to introduce the next major platform shift in cinematic storytelling, he works there as Chief Strategy Officer.
Dreamscape’s technology platform enables full immersion in virtual worlds through complete body presence. It untethers its audience members from the computer and allows them to walk freely with friends within a virtual world, where they see themselves, interact with objects and each other, and experience worlds previously accessible only in their imaginations.
Ronald Menzel

Chris Solarski – Author, and UX and Interaction Design Expert – Solarski Studio

Chris Solarski is an artist-game designer and author specializing in transmedia design tools for orchestrating the emotional and physical experience of players. His two books are widely considered essential reading. Chris’ first book Drawing Basics et Video Game Art (Watson-Guptill 2012), has been translated into Japanese and Korean and is endorsed by id Software’s cofounder John Romero. His second book, Interactive Stories and Video Game Art (CRC Press 2017), has been described as gaming’s equivalent to the screenwriting classic, Story, by Robert McKee and is endorsed by film director, Marc Forster. He is currently collaborating with internationally renowned artist, Phil Hale, to develop an indie game based on the iconic Johnny Badhair series of paintings.

François Soulages – Université Paris 8 – President and founder of RETiiNA.International

University professor for 20 years (Paris 8 University and National Institute of Art History, Paris). Was, at Paris 8 University, Director of the AIAC Laboratory, Director of the EPHA research team, Policy officer for research to the President. 35 of his doctoral students defended their thesis. Visiting professor in many foreign universities. President and founder of RETiiNA.International (Aesthetic & Theoretical Research on Images & New & Old Imaginaries) for 20 years, from ECAC (Contemporary Europe & Contemporary Art), from the monthly CaféPhilo Image & Corps (Paris). Organized 200 international conferences. Publisher for 35 years: for 20 years, director of 3 collections at L’Harmattan: Eidos, Local & global, RETiiNA.CRÉATION (230 books published). Philosopher, author of more than 90 books, personal or under his direction, on Philosophy (like Masse & sujets), Art (like Arte y Reconstrucción), Photography (like Aesthetics of photography, published in 10 languages), the Image (like Images of images), the Digital (like Egonline. Du selfie), the Contemporary (like O sensivel contemporaneo), Literature (like Le flou & la littérature etc.; 7 international conferences and 6 books were devoted to his writings and his reflections. Expert in image aesthetics and, in particular, in photography and philosophy.
François Soulages

Andrea Tartaglia – Executive Director

Andrea Tartaglia is a Global Brand Strategist who has served in leadership roles for some of the largest media conglomerates, focusing on Brand development, marketing, sales, organizational design and general management in a variety of businesses including, Media, Movies, Publishing, Themed Entertainment, Consumer Products and Games. Tartaglia joined The Walt Disney Company in 2006 as Vice President, Disney Publishing Worldwide, where he was instrumental in establishing the retail function for Publishing in all international markets and developing the strategies to grow revenues at key accounts worldwide. In 2008, he moved to support the wider Consumer Products organization setting up and leading the European Franchise Marketing team. In his subsequent role as Vice President & Managing Director, Franchise Management, Andrea Tartaglia was responsible for developing the cross-company strategies for Disney, Lucasfilm and Marvels’ key franchises/brands in the EMEA region, up to the end of 2019. Prior to joining Disney, Tartaglia was the Managing Director for Universal Pictures’ home video business in Spain and Portugal. He also held the role of Vice President, International Marketing, Universal Pictures International, with responsibility over 26 markets. Before this, he held a variety of positions with Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, in Italy and at the Regional office in London.

Thibault Tellier – SciencesPo Rennes

Thibault Tellier is a University Professor at the Institute of Political Studies in Rennes. He is a specialist in urban and territorial issues. His work focuses more specifically on the organization of local authorities as well as on the history of the processes of territorialization of public action, about urban policy. Associate researcher at the Territories and Changes in Public Action Chair, he heads the Sciences Po Rennes master’s degree in “Governing territorial changes”. In particular, he participated in the Dictionary of Territorial Policies (Sciences Po Les Presses, 2020).
Thibault Tellier

Bettina Tschumi – Contemporary Art & Design Consulting – A-U-R Company

Art historian and historian, graduated from the Universities of Lausanne and Geneva. Bettina Tschumi worked for twelve years as curator of the mudac, Museum of Contemporary Design and Applied Arts in Lausanne for twelve years. At the same time, she developed an independent activity as an exhibition curator and author. She conducts a long-term reflection on the links between alchemy and creative activity which earned her a scholarship to the Cini Foundation in Venice in 2017. Detached from any institution, she has since pursued a career path punctuated by exhibitions (Astonishing! When art and design seize on glass, La Cité du Vin, Bordeaux, 2019) and publications (L’Autre Tschumi, Genève, 2019 ; Francine Schwarzbourg, Lausanne, 2019). Invited to support the reflection around the development of projects of the Bohus Lugossy Foundation for Contemporary Glass Art, she has been working since early 2020 in alternation in Budapest and in Switzerland.

Antonella Tufano – ENSAPLV (École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris La Villette)

Antonella Tufano is an architect-urbanist from the University of Naples Federico II. In parallel to her professional experiences in architectural agencies and local authorities, she has completed a thesis, defended in 2000, at the EHESS, on the theory of landscape and a Habilitation to Direct Research, in 2016, with a work entitled: Towards a design of environments. Three projects around the project.
The research presented both a retrospection of different project experiences (design and consultancy as well as transmission through teaching in schools of architecture and art and design) and the activities carried out within the teams and institutions where she has worked (Gerphau research team, School of Art and Design in Nancy, ENSCI les Ateliers – Industrial design School, School of Design in  Valenciennes; research financed by the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Equipment, the ANR, Nationaly Agency of Research…). The publications deal with architecture and urbanism practice  (Tufano A. and N. Trasi, Energy rehabilitation and urban mobility. PARIS: éd. Moniteur, 2019; Tufano A., Flipo F, Rondot C., Smartcities, vers des nouvelles formes d’organisation, Presses des Mines, 2020; Tufano A., “Un urbanisme et une urbanité du care; pour une résilience permanente de la ville”, Risques Urbains, 2017; Tufano A. “Territorial innovation and social innovation through the lens of participatory discourse. Taking part and taking “a part” in the innovation of territories.”, Technology and Innovation, vol. 3, 2018; Tufano, A., “Les clés de la latence : outils conceptuels pour le projet”, in R. d’Arienzo, C. Younès (coord.), Ressources urbaines latentes. Métis Presses, 2016).
Currently, Antonella teaches at the Paris-La Villette School of Architecture, is a researcher at MAACC-MAP and co-director of the partnership chair Experimenting, making, fabricating & transmitting (ENSAPLV, PP7, ENSAPB, Ministry of Culture).

Mounim A. El Yacoubi – Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Mounim A. El Yacoubi (PhD, 1996) obtained his PhD in Signal Processing and Telecommunications from the University of Rennes I, France, in 1996. During his PhD, he was with the Service de Recherche Technique de la Poste (SRTP) at Nantes, France where he developed software for Handwritten Address Recognition that has been used for real-life Automatic French mail sorting. He was a visiting scientist for 18 months at the Centre for Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (CENPARMI) in Montréal, Canada. He then became an associated professor (1998-2000) at the Catholic University of Parana (PUC-PR) in Curitiba, Brazil. From 2001 to 2008, he was a Senior Software Engineer at Parascript, Boulder (Colorado, USA), a world leader company in automatic processing of handwritten and printed documents (mail, checks, forms). Since June 2008, he is a Professor at Institut Polytechnique de Paris / Institut Mines-Telecom / Telecom SudParis / SAMOVAR laboratory. His main interests include Artifical Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Statistical Pattern Recognition, Data Mining, Video, Image and Signal Processing, modeling human user data, especially behavioral signals, for automatic analysis of Handwriting, Gestures, and activities, with applications in e-health, human-computer interaction, and human mobility. His other interests include Smart Agriculture, Sustainable Development, Smart Manufacturing, Human Robot Interaction, Video Surveillance, and Biometrics.
Mounim A. El Yacoubi


Katia Belkhir – GERMANY and ALGERIA

Katia, Bachelor of Social Sciences and Civil Law, based in Frankfurt, has significant experience in M&A, Joint Venture and international relations between Europe and North Africa. Katia recently worked on real estate development and innovative technology projects. She believes that the best way to predict the future is to create and that the HUMANEUS project is a great innovation of the future.

k-ber@gmx.de // +49 176 41 71 85 93

Tejas Ewing – SINGAPORE

Tejas Ewing is one of the leading smartphone filmmakers in Asia. He focuses on creative, intelligent and innovative films that put the audience first. He has worked on over forty films that have won multiple awards and been screened on every continent. He currently uses Sony Xperia Smartphones for all his projects. In January, he launched Singapore’s first fully-open smartphone filmmaking competition.

tejasewing@gmail.com // +65 9733 9496

Philippe Plisson – SWITHERLAND

Philippe Plisson made his career at Swiss Television; he officiates mainly as director of photography. A television program designer, he is also a director of photography for theatrical productions and a screenwriter for the film industry. Participating in the creation of the HUMANEUS Center from the start of the project, he is now responsible for developing the Center in Switzerland and more particularly in Geneva.

plissoph@gmail.com // +41 79 304 43 72

Adill Rahmoun – MOROCCO

Adill Rahmoun, holder of a bachelor’s degree in economics and management as well as a BTS in SME management, based in Lyon (France), has significant experience in import-export between France and the Maghreb countries.
Company manager, Adill is currently working on various real estate and technological projects between France and Morocco, countries where he comes from and which he knows perfectly. A fine connoisseur of the economies and markets of the Maghreb countries, he oversees the development of the HUMANEUS project in the said zone, and more particularly in Morocco.

adill@threegoldendoors.swiss // +33 6 51 52 22 16

Öznur Seyhun – TURKEY

A manager in corporate life, a graduate of the London School of Economics in Global Management, she is a chemist and economist specializing in public health, corporate affairs, and external relations. During her professional experiences, she managed human relations and advocacy activities in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. She has studied and worked abroad in several countries in Europe and the United States where she has had the chance to closely engage with different cultures. She is passionate about scientific research where she publishes academic articles on cited platforms. She is a restless traveler and philanthropist, born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey, where she is currently base.


Míra Várbiró – HUNGARY

A graduate of the University of Károli Gáspár (Budapest) and specializing in translation studies, Míra is an Anglo-Hungarian translator and editor. In 2012, she took screenwriting courses at the Budapest Film Academy (BFA). Besides creating and writing screenplays, she is interested in languages such as French and Russian. Míra Várbiró joined the team to help set up Project HUMANEUS in Budapest and represent Hungary.

mira@threegoldendoors.swiss // +36 30 246 63 43

Boris Williams – PANAMA

After a Bachelor of Computer Science with emphasis in Business, at the Instituto Adventista de Panamá and two years of Computer Science at the Universidad Centraméricana de Panama, Boris now resides in Switzerland, in Geneva. With more than 10 years of experience, graduated in commerce with a specialization in financial intermediary from ARIF (Association Romande des Intermediaires Financiers), Boris is currently responsible for marketing and sales at one of the main companies in the financial sector. in Switzerland, he oversees developing the HUMANEUS project in Panama.

boris@threegoldendoors.swiss // +41 76 290 60 00

Executive Management

Stéphane Kalla – Founder, associate – Strategy and development director

Doctor in Philosophy-Human Sciences, graduate of Jean Moulin Lyon III University, is Professor of Philosophy and French as a Foreign Language, but also researcher in Human Sciences. Currently in charge of educational and linguistic cooperation (Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs), he has during his missions abroad designed scientific and cultural projects promoting the establishment of strategic partnerships in the fields of education and research by systematically promoting the virtues of interdisciplinarity. Convinced of the need to increase effective collaborations between heterogeneous disciplinary fields, he directs a research group, and a collection of books dedicated to Philosophy and interdisciplinarity: ATOMOS (Lyon, France).

Stéphane Kalla is the founder of the Humaneus Center, whose structural model he imagined and designed. He is responsible for its development at the international level.

Three Golden Doors

Joshua Immanuel Fu – Founder, Global Development, and Philanthro-economist

A global philanthro-economist, artist and creator, and financier, Joshua Immanuel Fu is one of the founders of Humaneus Center Global. He is not only the Founder and President of Splendor Plus, a global philanthro-economic group that has been supporting the Humaneus Center project since the beginning, but also the creator of the Humaneus Center Global’s innovative philanthropy-centric, commercial and government funding support investment structure. He has been leading the effort for developing the global prototype of Humaneus Center system in Asia, linking key cities with its European starting point, as well as supporting the overall structural development of the core Humaneus Center functions with one of the Humaneus Center Founder, Dr. Stéphane Kalla.

From the Americas to Europe, to the Middle East and Asia, this Chinese American leader has been a global cross-cultural and cross-industry development expert as well as a barrier-breaking innovation design pioneer with a focus on city and people co-development, supporting cross-national heritage and innovation development, building humanity-centric future city projects, and nurturing and supporting synergistic efforts globally. He also founded L.A.B. Global Creative Collective, bringing together like-minded innovators and pioneers to support efforts like the Humaneus Center project.

His passion, expertise, and unique capabilities are visible in everything he touches.

Erik Aliocha Anzi – Founder, associate – Creative director

In 1978, after working as an illustrator for 10 years in press and publishing, Erik entered the film and televisión industry in the United States and Europe as a concept artist and scriptwriter. He has worked as an art director for independent production companies in New York and Los Angeles and has participated as an illustrator in films such as Alien (1979), Conan the Barbarian (1982) and Blade Runner (1982). From 1988, he focuses on storyboarding, screenplay and production, mainly in Europe. In 2010, Erik left the film industry to devote himself to personal projects in illustration, production and writing. In 2016, with Stéphane Kalla, he imagined the HUMANEUS Center and now devotes himself full-time to its development.
Three Golden Doors

Agnès Callu – Strategy and development co-directress for research and teaching – IIAC (CNRS/EHESS)

Former student of the National School of Charters (published thesis, Lenoir Prize) and of the National Heritage Institute (INP / Conservateur du Patrimoine – State / Museums), Doctor in contemporary history from Sciences Po – Paris (Chaix d ‘Prize) Est Angel of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences – thesis published, reprinted in 2017), Qualified to supervise research at EPHE, Agnès Callu is Historian and Historian of Art. Qualified as a University Professor, she is a permanent researcher at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Contemporary Anthropology (IIAC) at EHESS/CNRS. She is also an Associate Researcher at the Practical School of Advanced Studies (HISTARA Team) and at ITEM / ENS (Creation Process / Genesis of the Work Team). She recently published: in 2016, Gaëtan Picon, Letters and the Arts: in the studio of creation [pref. Jean-Michel Leniaud], (Éditions Champion) and Autopsy of the museum: case study (1880-2010) [pref. Roland Recht,] (CNRS-Éditions); in 2018, Culture and local elites in France (1947-1989) [pref. Jean-Louis Fabiani] (CNRS-Éditions), Le Mai 68 des historiens, [pref. Patrick Boucheron], Presses Universitaires du Septentrion and, with Roland Recht, L’Historien de l’art: Conversation dans l’atelier (L’Atelier contemporain); in 2019, Dessein, Dessin, Design: for a media factory of history (Hubtopia Publishing); in 2020, Epistemology of drawing. Concepts, reading and interpretations, XIX-XXth c. (Éditions Jacques André). Since 2019, she has directed at Éditions Gourcuff-Gradenigo, a collection entitled “The Drawing in the Present”.
Agnès Callu

Mathieu Maurer Vuille – Founder, associate – Financial director

Former elite athlete and holder of a Master’s degree in Management from HEC, Mathieu Maurer Vuille is a Swiss entrepreneur active in the fields of computer science and Web design. Web designer from 1998, IT specialist from 2003 and company manager from 2006, Mathieu is always eager to find new challenges. He joined Three Golden Doors in 2017 as financial director and head of web development.
Three Golden Doors

Specialists and partner institutions

Mehdi Ammi – Université Paris VIII

Mehdi Ammi is a professor at the University of Paris 8. He is an engineer in electronics, a doctorate in robotics and qualified to supervise research in computer science. His research activities are interested in artificial intelligence applied to Human-Environment Interaction and more precisely in the modalization of the different human components: physiological components, psychological components, social components, etc. Mehdi Ammi has led or participated in more than 20 national and international projects, with socioeconomic partners. He has also led several working groups at national and international level: EuroVR HAPTIC SIG, IEEE TCH, GT E-Santé / Paris-Saclay, etc.
Mehdi Ammi

Olivier Barbeau – Creative Director – Artanim & Dreamscape Immersive Europe

Olivier is a director, a manager, a business developer and a digital artist, always looking to explore new ideas and projects that blend technologies, strong visual art and team management.

After a bachelor degree at Emile Cohl (Lyon, France) and a Master Degree in Computer Graphics at ECAL (Lausanne, Switzerland), Olivier moved to Los Angeles to work for Rhythm & Hues Studios on commercials and movies for Universal, Warner, Disney and Sony.

Six years later, he moved back to Switzerland, and spent 12 years managing two private art schools focusing on design, architecture, illustration and animation.

Naturally, the next step was virtual reality. As a production director and art director at Kenzan Studios in Geneva, Olivier challenged his 25 years of experience in computer animation and dived into this new cutting edge technology.
He likes to « lead by example, build by aspiration and create by optimism.

Caecilia Charbonnier – Cofonder of Artanim

Following her PhD degree in Computer Science in 2010 from MIRALab – University of Geneva, Caecilia co-founded Artanim, a center specialized in motion capture technologies. She holds the position of President & Research Director. She is also the President of the National Thematic Network Virtual Switzerland, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Radiology and Medical Informatics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, and Professor of Practice at the School of Arts, Media and Engineering, Herberger Institute, Arizona State University.
Her interdisciplinary work focusses on the use of motion capture for 3D animation, VR/AR, live performances, movement science, orthopedics, and sports medicine. The results of her research have been published in more than 90 international scientific articles and awarded several prizes and distinctions (2009 Eurographics Medical 1st Prize, 2011 ISAKOS Achilles Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Research Award, 2014 CAOS Best Technical Paper Award, 2014 EFORT Best Poster Discussion, 2015 SIGGRAPH Finalist of the Immersive Realities (VR/AR) Contest, 2016 Laval Virtual Award, 2017 Swiss ICT Award Finalist). Her VR work has also been showcased at renowned film festivals such as Sundance New Frontier 2016 and 2018, Cannes Film Festival 2016 and the Biennale di Venezia 2018. Finally, she is the Co-Founder & Chief Innovation Officer of Dreamscape Immersive.

Dominique Chateau – Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne – Institut ACTE (Arts, Creations, Theories and Aesthetics)

Dominique Chateau is professor emeritus at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and a member of the ACTE Institute. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Nouvelle Revue d’Esthétique (Presses Universitaires de France) and temporary lecturer at the École supérieure du paysage in Versailles. Trained in philosophy and logic at the Sorbonne, he teaches aesthetics and film studies. He has published in aesthetics: Plastic arts: archeology of a notion, Jacqueline Chambon, 1999. What is an artist? Presses Universitaires de Rennes (PUR), 2008. The aesthetic experience: intuition and expertise, PUR, 2010. After Charlie: the denial of representation, the waterfront, 2016. A Japanese aesthetic. Art and taste in floating mode, Harmattan editions, 2019. In Film Studies: Cinema and Philosophy, Nathan, 2003. Subjectivity (ed.), Amsterdam University Press (AUP), 2011. The Invention of the Concept of Montage. Lev Kouléchov, film theorist, l’Amandier editions, 2013.Screens (with José Moure), AUP, 2016. Contribution to the history of the concept of editing. Kulechov, Poudovkin, Vertov and Eisenstein, Harmattan editions, 2019. Post-cinema. Cinema in the Post-art Era, with José Moure, AUP, 2020.
Dominique Chateau

Raphael Cuir – Director of ESAD the Reims (Higher Schools of Art and Design Network to the Grand Est region)

Raphael Cuir is the Director of ESAD the Reims since January 2018.President of the Higher Schools of Art and Design Network to the Grand Est region from 2015 to 2017 he was project manager at ENSAD Paris for the Nespresso Eco-Design Chair and the Chair “Innovation and Know-How” of the Foundation Bettencourt Schuller. He was also scientific project manager of the Research Chair in Creation and Creativity (CCIP, City of Design of Saint-Etienne, Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels) from 2008 to 2010.From 2012 to 2018 he was President of AICA France (International Association of Art Critics).
Critic and art historian PhD (EHESS), he is the author of Anatomiquement vôtre, art contemporain et connaissance de soi (Scala, 2018) and Renaissance de l’Anatomie (Hermann, 2016). He also contributed to numerous collective works and directed several publications, including the collection of answers to the question “Why is there art rather than nothing?” (Archibooks, 2014, 2009) and Art Performance : vie de l’archive et actualité (Press du réel, 2013). In 2005-2006 he received a research fellowship for a residence at the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles where he taught at Otis College of Art and Design. He is a regular contributor to artpress journal, for which he edited a special issue on Cyborg in 2012. In 1999 he created the first television channel dedicated to the history of art on the Internet “Mémoires Actives”.

Jean-Paul Delahaye – Université de Lille – CRISTAL Laboratory (Mixed Research Units CNRS)

Jean-Paul Delahaye is a mathematician and computer scientist. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Lille and researcher at the CRISTAL laboratory (Lille Research Center in Signal and Automatic Computing, UMR CNRS 9189). His work focuses on sequence transformation algorithms (State Thesis), on the use of logic in Artificial Intelligence (expert systems, logical languages) on the computational theory of games (iterated games, simulation of social systems, study cooperation), and on algorithmic information theory (Kolmogorov’s theory of complexity, notion of content in calculations) with applications to bioinformatics and finance. Today he works mainly on game theory themes (A.I. and multi-agent systems) and on cryptographic currencies and “blockchain technology”. He is also interested in ethical issues in science and is a member of the CNRS Ethics Committee (COMETS). He supervised 20 theses. He is the author of around twenty books, part of which is intended for a wide audience. In 1998, he received the Prix d’Alembert from the Mathematical Society of France and, in 1999, the Author Award for Scientific Culture from the Ministry of National Education and Research. He maintains the monthly Logic and Calculus column (6 pages) in the journal Pour la science (French version of Scientific American). He has a blog devoted to “Complexities”.
Jean-Paul Delahaye

Natasha Devaux – Technical director in visual effects

Born and raised in Switzerland, Natasha is a technical director in visual effects for movies and is currently based in San Francisco. After a couple of years at Rhythm & Hues Studios in Hollywood, she has been at Industrial Light + Magic, Lucasfilm’s VFX branch, for the past 22 years. Her credits include several Star Wars, Transformers, Harry Potter and Marvel movies. Natasha holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Graphics from ECAL (Lausanne, Switzerland) as well as a degree in Education and a background in fashion design.
Natasha Devaud

Michel Dufourd – Artistic director

Graduated from EAD Geneva, graphic designer, storyboard artist, 3D-generalist, He expresses himself in the design and creation of imaginary universes, broadcast branding and motion design. Occasional lecturer in visual narration & storyboarding at the Geneva University of Art and Design, his long professional experience in the field of television has led him to practice a wide range of audio-visual techniques. An animation director, his films have been screened and some have won awards at numerous international festivals such as Annecy, Brussels, São Paulo, Ottawa, Solothurn, Tempere in Finland and the Children’s film festival in New York.

Jean-Joël Duhot – Université Jean moulin Lyon 3 & IRPHIL (Institute of Philosophical Research of Lyon)

Doctor of State in Philosophy, Associate of Letters and Philosophy, Jean-Joël Duhot is professor-researcher emeritus at the University of Lyon.

Philosopher, Hellenist, and musician, he has worked for half a century on the foundations of rationality, in a search for historical epistemology. He notably brought to light the central place which, since Pythagoras, the theory of music has occupied in the constitution of scientific reason.

Throughout his articles and books, some of which are translated into several languages, he develops an in-depth analysis that rethinks the whole construction of our modernity.

This does not prevent him from being a specialist in Greek philosophy, which has renewed our reading of Plato and the Stoics.

His work is based on a broad multidisciplinary approach, at the crossroads of philosophy, the history of ideas, history, archeology, geography, the history of art, and religious sciences. He thinks of philosophy as a global grasp of reality, while integrating the long term, in the tradition of French historiography.
Jean-Joël Duhot

Yolaine Escande – CRAL/EHESS

Yolaine Escande is a specialist in Chinese graphic arts, calligraphy and painting, whose fundamental treatises she translated from Chinese into French (Notes sur ce que j’ai vu et entendu en peinture,1994; Traités sur la peinture et la calligraphie chinoises,, t. 1, 2003, t.2, 2010; Esquif sur l’Ocean of the painting by Shen Zongqian, 2019) and analyzed and presented the aesthetic principles (L’Art en Chine, 2001, Montagnes et eaux. La culture du shanshui, 2005; Jardins de la sagesse en Chine et Japon, Seuil, 2013). His research concerns their artistic, philosophical, aesthetic and cultural interactions with Western art (in particular, in collaboration with Vincent Shen and Li Chenyang, Inter-culturality and Philosophic Discourse, Cambridge SP, 2013; with Jean-Noël Bret, Le paysage entre art and nature, PUR, 2017). She has also edited in collaboration with Johanna Liu since 2006 more than twelve issues of the journal Universitas, Monthly Review in Philosophy and Culture (referenced A & HCI), in English and Chinese. She is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Society of Chinese Philosophy, has assumed the scientific direction of the Treasures exhibition of the Beijing Art Museum at the Gaillac Museum of Fine Arts (2018). She is currently a full member of the Advisory Committee for UNESCO Works of Art (ACWA), 2018-2022.
Yolaine Escande

Alain Fleischer – President co-founder of Studio national des arts contemporains Le Fresnoy

Alain Fleischer was born in 1944 in Paris.

Studies in literature, linguistics and animal biology at the Sorbonne (University of Paris V), anthropology and semiology at the Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Quebec in Montreal (Canada).

Doctor Honoris Causa from the European University of Human Sciences in Vilnius (Lithuania).

Alain Fleischer has received numerous international prizes, laureate of the Académie de France in Rome, he stayed at the Villa Medici from 1985 to 1987.

At the request of the French government, he designed the Studio National des Arts contemporains Le Fresnoy, inaugurated in 1997.

Alain Fleischer is also a speaker and teacher. He is the author of more than fifty literary works (novels, collections of short stories, essays) published by the best French publishers (Gallimard, Le Seuil, Grasset, Actes Sud, Fayard, Verdier, Fata Morgana). Alain Fleischer has made some three hundred and fifty films in genres as diverse as feature films, experimental cinema and art documentaries. His films have been screened at international festivals in Cannes, Venice, Berlin, Locarno, Montreal, Rotterdam, Toronto, Thessaloniki, New York. Retrospectives of his work have been presented in the United States (Anthology Film Archives, New-York), in Italy (Festival del Nuovo Cinema de Pesaro), in Canada (Cinémathèque du Québec, Montreal), in France (Center Pompidou and Jeu Palm). The work of artist and photographer Alain Fleischer gave rise to a retrospective at the Center national de la Photographie (CNP) in 1995, at the European House of Photography (MEP) and at the Center Pompidou in 2003.
Alain Fleischer

Dominique Garcia – President of l’Inrap (National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research)

University professor, honorary member of the Institut universitaire de France and President of Inrap (National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research), Dominique Garcia is an archaeologist.

He conducts research on protohistoric societies (Celts, Gauls, Iberians and Ligurians), in particular on their urban process, their economy and the contacts they had with classical civilizations (Phoenicians, Etruscans, Greeks and Romans).

He participated and directed numerous excavations in France but also in Italy, Greece and Syria. He is the author of more than 200 scientific articles, recently published «Les Gaulois» (CNRS éditions, 2021), and directed with Jean Guilaine «La Protohistoire de la France» (Hermann, 2018), and with Jean-Paul Demoule and Alain Schnapp «Une Histoire des civilisations» and «Comment l’archéologie bouleverse nos connaissances» (La Découverte, 2018).
Dominique Garcia

Farid Lakkimi – Réalisateur – Producteur

Diplômé d’un Master en Arts du Spectacle Spécialité Cinéma et Scénario, obtenu à l’Université Libre de Bruxelles, et Producteur et Réalisateur, Farid  est aussi trilingue( français, arabe, berbère). Farid Lakkimi a créé deux sociétés indépendantes, Obscura Entertainment et Sadden Production, une au Maroc et une en France, pour la création de projets audiovisuels.

Actuellement, en production pour différentes missions, il a une grande expérience à l’étranger comme en France pour la mise en place de projets internationaux (il a obtenu à deux reprises le Fonds d’Aide du Centre Cinématographique Marocain). Cela lui a permis de développer ses compétences sur un plan artistique, technique et stratégique en privilégiant les rapports humains et en constituant des partenariats solides.

Ayant réalisé des courts-métrages (Le Cordon, sélection au Short Film Corner Festival de Cannes), mais aussi des longs-métrages (Coeur Noyé distribué dans 26 pays arabes) et des documentaires (I Love You Greece Sélection au AEGEANDOCS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL à Lesbos), Farid Lakkimi a pu s’enrichir au fil de ces expériences et compléter ses connaissances dans le domaine audiovisuel, en maîtrisant toute la chaine de production pour l’aboutissement d’un projet artistique.

Ferruh Yasar

Ferruh Yasar is a professional with an atypical background, combining legal expertise, international business skills and a passion for the culinary arts. Thanks to his versatile background, he embodies an innovative approach to navigating the worlds of business and gastronomy with agility and creativity.

With a degree in law and international trade from the Université de Droit de Dijon, he has mastered the fundamentals of management and business creation. However, in 2014, he made the switch to gastronomy by joining the prestigious FERRANDI culinary arts school in Paris.

He held a key role in Istanbul at Business France (French Ministry of Foreign Trade), before founding his own business intelligence company, CoDA. He has drawn up development strategies for leading French companies in a wide variety of sectors (pharmaceuticals, aeronautics, packaging, transport and cosmetics), helped them set up in Turkey and strengthened their presence on the local market.

At British FinTech MyAhmed, he managed the set-up and operations of the customer relations team in Turkey. He also developed the marketing strategy for the French market, focusing on optimizing social networking campaigns.

Alongside his professional duties, he continued to pursue his passion for pastry-making, working in renowned Parisian establishments where he was able to express his culinary creativity. In Istanbul, he also took part in a prime-time cooking show on Turkish television and gave pastry workshops for amateurs and professionals.


Marie Lavandier – Directress of Musée du Louvre-Lens

Art historian and anthropologist by training, Marie Lavandier has been the general heritage curator, director of the Louvre-Lens Museum since September 2016.

Her career at the head of both national and regional establishments and services testifies to an interest in transversal and interdisciplinary approaches to heritage: the Dreux Museum of Art and History; Museum of President Jacques Chirac in Sarran; Quai Branly Museum; Center for Research and Restoration of Museums of France (C2RMF); museums of the City of Nice, before joining the Louvre-Lens Museum.
Marie Lavandier

Benoît Le Callennec – CEO and co-founder of Moka Studio

He holds a PhD in computer graphics from EPFL and has 15 years of experience in 3D animation R&D.

Benoit participated in the invention of NumIK, the cutting-edge technology behind the award winning software Mosketch.
Moka Studio

Jean-Michel Leniaud – EPHE/PSL (Practical School of Higher Studies)/(University Paris Sciences & Letters)

Jean-Michel Leniaud is a senior French civil servant and art historian. Palaeographer archivist, teacher-researcher and inspector of historical monuments, specialist in Architecture and the Arts in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Director of the National School of Charters from 2011 to 2016, he was Director of Studies at the Practical School of Advanced Studies, EPHE.

Former UNESCO heritage consultant and Council of Europe expert. International academic expert, former member of the European college of graduates EPHE / TU Dresden. Invited to numerous universities and foreign institutions, his research focuses on the architecture of the 19th and 20th centuries, on artistic institutions and on religious history in connection with the arts.

It also leads a reflection on the notion of heritage in our society. He also directed the publication of the minutes of the Academy of Fine Arts after 1811.

Until 2018 he was editor-in-chief of the biannual journal Deliveries of the history of architecture.

On March 27, 2020, Jean-Michel Leniaud was appointed member of the scientific council of the public institution responsible for the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral.
Jean-Michel Leniaud

Sophie Makariou – Directress of Musée national des arts asiatiques – Guimet

General Curator of Heritage, she began her career at the Louvre Museum, in the Department of Oriental Antiquities.

A graduate of the Louvre School in Art History and the Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in History (M2), she was also trained at the National Institute of Oriental Arts and Civilizations (classical Arabic).

In 2001 she was charged by the president of the Louvre, Henri Loyrette, with the foreshadowing of the department of the arts of Islam.

Director of the Islamic Arts Department, she orchestrated its creation until its inauguration by the President of the French Republic in 2012.

Specialists in cultural interactions between civilizations, she has published numerous studies on the theme of exchanges and was appointed president of the National Museum of Asian Arts-Guimet in 2013.

She is a Knight of Arts and Letters and in the National Order of Merit and was awarded in the “Order of the Rising Sun, Rayons d’Or en Sautoir” in 2019.
Sophie Makariou

Philippe Mathieu – Université de Lille – CRISTAL Laboratory (Mixed Research Units CNRS)

Mr. Philippe Mathieu is professor of computer science at the University of Lille. Knight in the order of academic palms, he holds a doctorate and an accreditation to supervise research from the University of Lille.

For more than 20 years, he has managed the SMAC team of the CRISTAL UMR 9092 CNRS laboratory and has worked for many years in the field of Artificial Intelligence, specializing in person-centered approaches, complex systems, modeling of information systems, and data mining.

Prof. Mathieu has more than a hundred international publications and has supervised more than 20 doctoral theses on this subject.

Once again, this year he won the best simulation prize at the “Driving Simulation Conference” in Nice.

He is also president of the jury for the best AI thesis of the French Association for Artificial Intelligence (AFIA), leader of the “Interactions” research group within the CRISTAL laboratory and member of the scientific council of this laboratory.

He was also vice-president of the University of Lille for 10 years, in charge of digital innovation, and was elected president for 10 years of the IT recruitment committee (CSE) for IT for all of establishment.

Ronald Menzel – Chief Strategy Officer – Dreamscape Immersive

Ronald is a serial entrepreneur and activist who has dedicated his life to imagining innovative projects where cutting-edge technology is used to create out of the ordinary customer experiences.

Co-founder of Dreamscape Immersive, the Geneva and Los Angeles based company who is aiming to introduce the next major platform shift in cinematic storytelling, he works there as Chief Strategy Officer.

Dreamscape’s technology platform enables full immersion in virtual worlds through complete body presence.

It untethers its audience members from the computer and allows them to walk freely with friends within a virtual world, where they see themselves, interact with objects and each other, and experience worlds previously accessible only in their imaginations.
Ronald Menzel

Chris Solarski – Author, and UX and Interaction Design Expert – Solarski Studio

Chris Solarski is an artist-game designer and author specializing in transmedia design tools for orchestrating the emotional and physical experience of players.

His two books are widely considered essential reading.

Chris’ first book Drawing Basics et Video Game Art (Watson-Guptill 2012), has been translated into Japanese and Korean and is endorsed by id Software’s cofounder John Romero.

His second book, Interactive Stories and Video Game Art (CRC Press 2017), has been described as gaming’s equivalent to the screenwriting classic, Story, by Robert McKee and is endorsed by film director, Marc Forster.

He is currently collaborating with internationally renowned artist, Phil Hale, to develop an indie game based on the iconic Johnny Badhair series of paintings.

François Soulages – Université Paris 8 – President and founder of RETiiNA.International

University professor for 20 years (Paris 8 University and National Institute of Art History, Paris).

Was, at Paris 8 University, Director of the AIAC Laboratory, Director of the EPHA research team, Policy officer for research to the President. 35 of his doctoral students defended their thesis.

Visiting professor in many foreign universities. President and founder of RETiiNA.International (Aesthetic & Theoretical Research on Images & New & Old Imaginaries) for 20 years, from ECAC (Contemporary Europe & Contemporary Art), from the monthly CaféPhilo Image & Corps (Paris).

Organized 200 international conferences. Publisher for 35 years: for 20 years, director of 3 collections at L’Harmattan: Eidos, Local & global, RETiiNA.CRÉATION (230 books published).

Philosopher, author of more than 90 books, personal or under his direction, on Philosophy (like Masse & sujets), Art (like Arte y Reconstrucción), Photography (like Aesthetics of photography, published in 10 languages), the Image (like Images of images), the Digital (like Egonline. Du selfie), the Contemporary (like O sensivel contemporaneo), Literature (like Le flou & la littérature etc.; 7 international conferences and 6 books were devoted to his writings and his reflections.

Expert in image aesthetics and, in particular, in photography and philosophy.
François Soulages

Andrea Tartaglia – Executive Director

Andrea Tartaglia is a Global Brand Strategist who has served in leadership roles for some of the largest media conglomerates, focusing on Brand development, marketing, sales, organizational design and general management in a variety of businesses including, Media, Movies, Publishing, Themed Entertainment, Consumer Products and Games. Tartaglia joined The Walt Disney Company in 2006 as Vice President, Disney Publishing Worldwide, where he was instrumental in establishing the retail function for Publishing in all international markets and developing the strategies to grow revenues at key accounts worldwide. In 2008, he moved to support the wider Consumer Products organization setting up and leading the European Franchise Marketing team.

In his subsequent role as Vice President & Managing Director, Franchise Management, Andrea Tartaglia was responsible for developing the cross-company strategies for Disney, Lucasfilm and Marvels’ key franchises/brands in the EMEA region, up to the end of 2019.

Prior to joining Disney, Tartaglia was the Managing Director for Universal Pictures’ home video business in Spain and Portugal. He also held the role of Vice President, International Marketing, Universal Pictures International, with responsibility over 26 markets.

Before this, he held a variety of positions with Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, in Italy and at the Regional office in London.

Thibault Tellier – SciencesPo Rennes

Thibault Tellier is a University Professor at the Institute of Political Studies in Rennes. He is a specialist in urban and territorial issues.

His work focuses more specifically on the organization of local authorities as well as on the history of the processes of territorialization of public action, about urban policy.

Associate researcher at the Territories and Changes in Public Action Chair, he heads the Sciences Po Rennes master’s degree in “Governing territorial changes”.

In particular, he participated in the Dictionary of Territorial Policies (Sciences Po Les Presses, 2020).
Thibault Tellier

Bettina Tschumi – Contemporary Art & Design Consulting – A-U-R Company

Art historian and historian, graduated from the Universities of Lausanne and Geneva. Bettina Tschumi worked for twelve years as curator of the mudac, Museum of Contemporary Design and Applied Arts in Lausanne for twelve years.

At the same time, she developed an independent activity as an exhibition curator and author.

She conducts a long-term reflection on the links between alchemy and creative activity which earned her a scholarship to the Cini Foundation in Venice in 2017.

Detached from any institution, she has since pursued a career path punctuated by exhibitions (Astonishing! When art and design seize on glass, La Cité du Vin, Bordeaux, 2019) and publications (L’Autre Tschumi, Genève, 2019 ; Francine Schwarzbourg, Lausanne, 2019). Invited to support the reflection around the development of projects of the Bohus Lugossy Foundation for Contemporary Glass Art, she has been working since early 2020 in alternation in Budapest and in Switzerland.

Antonella Tufano – ENSAPLV (École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris La Villette)

Antonella Tufano is an architect-urbanist from the University of Naples Federico II.

In parallel to her professional experiences in architectural agencies and local authorities, she has completed a thesis, defended in 2000, at the EHESS, on the theory of landscape and a Habilitation to Direct Research, in 2016, with a work entitled: Towards a design of environments. Three projects around the project.

The research presented both a retrospection of different project experiences (design and consultancy as well as transmission through teaching in schools of architecture and art and design) and the activities carried out within the teams and institutions where she has worked (Gerphau research team, School of Art and Design in Nancy, ENSCI les Ateliers – Industrial design School, School of Design in  Valenciennes; research financed by the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Equipment, the ANR, Nationaly Agency of Research…). The publications deal with architecture and urbanism practice  (Tufano A. and N. Trasi, Energy rehabilitation and urban mobility. PARIS: éd. Moniteur, 2019; Tufano A., Flipo F, Rondot C., Smartcities, vers des nouvelles formes d’organisation, Presses des Mines, 2020; Tufano A., “Un urbanisme et une urbanité du care; pour une résilience permanente de la ville”, Risques Urbains, 2017; Tufano A. “Territorial innovation and social innovation through the lens of participatory discourse. Taking part and taking “a part” in the innovation of territories.”, Technology and Innovation, vol. 3, 2018; Tufano, A., “Les clés de la latence : outils conceptuels pour le projet”, in R. d’Arienzo, C. Younès (coord.), Ressources urbaines latentes. Métis Presses, 2016).

Currently, Antonella teaches at the Paris-La Villette School of Architecture, is a researcher at MAACC-MAP and co-director of the partnership chair Experimenting, making, fabricating & transmitting (ENSAPLV, PP7, ENSAPB, Ministry of Culture).

Mounim A. El Yacoubi – Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Mounim A. El Yacoubi (PhD, 1996) obtained his PhD in Signal Processing and Telecommunications from the University of Rennes I, France, in 1996.

During his PhD, he was with the Service de Recherche Technique de la Poste (SRTP) at Nantes, France where he developed software for Handwritten Address Recognition that has been used for real-life Automatic French mail sorting.

He was a visiting scientist for 18 months at the Centre for Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (CENPARMI) in Montréal, Canada. He then became an associated professor (1998-2000) at the Catholic University of Parana (PUC-PR) in Curitiba, Brazil.

From 2001 to 2008, he was a Senior Software Engineer at Parascript, Boulder (Colorado, USA), a world leader company in automatic processing of handwritten and printed documents (mail, checks, forms).

Since June 2008, he is a Professor at Institut Polytechnique de Paris / Institut Mines-Telecom / Telecom SudParis / SAMOVAR laboratory.

His main interests include Artifical Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Statistical Pattern Recognition, Data Mining, Video, Image and Signal Processing, modeling human user data, especially behavioral signals, for automatic analysis of Handwriting, Gestures, and activities, with applications in e-health, human-computer interaction, and human mobility.

His other interests include Smart Agriculture, Sustainable Development, Smart Manufacturing, Human Robot Interaction, Video Surveillance, and Biometrics.
Mounim A. El Yacoubi


Katia Belkhir – GERMANY and ALGERIA

Katia, Bachelor of Social Sciences and Civil Law, based in Frankfurt, has significant experience in M&A, Joint Venture and international relations between Europe and North Africa. Katia recently worked on real estate development and innovative technology projects.

She believes that the best way to predict the future is to create and that the HUMANEUS project is a great innovation of the future.

+49 176 41 71 85 93

Tejas Ewing – SINGAPORE

Tejas Ewing is one of the leading smartphone filmmakers in Asia.

He focuses on creative, intelligent and innovative films that put the audience first. He has worked on over forty films that have won multiple awards and been screened on every continent. He currently uses Sony Xperia Smartphones for all his projects.

In January, he launched Singapore’s first fully-open smartphone filmmaking competition.

+65 9733 9496

Philippe Plisson – SWITHERLAND

Philippe Plisson made his career at Swiss Television; he officiates mainly as director of photography.

A television program designer, he is also a director of photography for theatrical productions and a screenwriter for the film industry.

Participating in the creation of the HUMANEUS Center from the start of the project, he is now responsible for developing the Center in Switzerland and more particularly in Geneva.

+41 79 304 43 72

Adill Rahmoun – MOROCCO

Adill Rahmoun, holder of a bachelor’s degree in economics and management as well as a BTS in SME management, based in Lyon (France), has significant experience in import-export between France and the Maghreb countries.

Company manager, Adill is currently working on various real estate and technological projects between France and Morocco, countries where he comes from and which he knows perfectly.

A fine connoisseur of the economies and markets of the Maghreb countries, he oversees the development of the HUMANEUS project in the said zone, and more particularly in Morocco.

+33 6 51 52 22 16

Öznur Seyhun – TURKEY

A manager in corporate life, a graduate of the London School of Economics in Global Management, she is a chemist and economist specializing in public health, corporate affairs, and external relations.

During her professional experiences, she managed human relations and advocacy activities in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

She has studied and worked abroad in several countries in Europe and the United States where she has had the chance to closely engage with different cultures.

She is passionate about scientific research where she publishes academic articles on cited platforms. She is a restless traveler and philanthropist, born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey, where she is currently base.


Míra Várbiró – HUNGARY

A graduate of the University of Károli Gáspár (Budapest) and specializing in translation studies, Míra is an Anglo-Hungarian translator and editor.

In 2012, she took screenwriting courses at the Budapest Film Academy (BFA). Besides creating and writing screenplays, she is interested in languages such as French and Russian.

Míra Várbiró joined the team to help set up Project HUMANEUS in Budapest and represent Hungary.

+36 30 246 63 43

Boris Williams – PANAMA

After a Bachelor of Computer Science with emphasis in Business, at the Instituto Adventista de Panamá and two years of Computer Science at the Universidad Centraméricana de Panama, Boris now resides in Switzerland, in Geneva.

With more than 10 years of experience, graduated in commerce with a specialization in financial intermediary from ARIF (Association Romande des Intermediaires Financiers), Boris is currently responsible for marketing and sales at one of the main companies in the financial sector.

In Switzerland, he oversees developing the HUMANEUS project in Panama.

+41 76 290 60 00