THE TWIN CENTERS : When the HUMANEUS Center collaborates with its mirror image
The HUMANEUS Center has a twin brother, a digital double designed entirely in its own image, which is active in the Cloud. The Physical Center and its digital brother interact in the service of the public; they cohabit and offer the audience a completely new way of discovering, visiting, playing, learning and experimenting. The HUMANEUS Center offers the public two visits: the first one, physical, in real time, the second one in the virtual world. The physical and digital centers extend and complement each other, thus multiplying the effects of a visit and offering visitors an extraordinary range of new opportunities.
The Twin Centers System: an original visit
To visit the physical HUMANEUS Center, the public can decide to use the services of a virtual guide, choose a personalized route on the web that can be seen by themselves alone, or if desired by invited persons.
He extends his visit to the HUMANEUS Center by exploring its digital version. There, in this identically replicated virtual setting, he can discover additional spaces of discovery, participate in adventure tours or even discover the existence of secret rooms hidden in the physical Center. Conversely, in the physical Center it is possible for the visitor to obtain clues allowing him to access exclusive spaces hidden in the digital Center.
Everything is done in the Twin Center system so that the interaction between the physical and digital centers is as thorough as possible. Thus, the forms of visit and discovery are endless, they can be supplemented by events, completely new video games or sports competitions interacting live between reality and digital.
A new way of playing that develops technological research
Visitors can join or compete in a completely innovative course of events, bringing together groups of participants competing or collaborating in both the digital and physical worlds in real time.
The audience is then immersed in multiple environments. These settings transcend cultural barriers and encourage and inspire exploration through the manipulation of real and virtual props. These courses can be combined and practiced individually or in teams, at a national or international level.

The Twin Centers System is an evolutionary system that develops research related to new immersive technologies associated with artificial intelligence.
Ultimately, the Twin Centers system has been conceived as a technological challenge. This has strongly influenced the design of the entire HUMANEUS Center, and all its spaces conceived as realms of magic and illusion where wonder and mystery are deployed to enhance the visit, discovery, and fun.
As for all the other activities within the HUMANEUS Center complex, the Twin Centers concept is constantly developed and updated by the EIDÔLON Studio in collaboration with its international partners and all the staff of the LEIBNIZ Institute.
The Twin Centers constitute a whole in which the two parts – physical and digital – are independent, but which display their full capabilities only when they function in a joint way.
THE TWIN CENTERS : When the HUMANEUS Center collaborates with its mirror image
The HUMANEUS Center has a twin brother, a digital double designed entirely in its own image, which is active in the Cloud.
The Physical Center and its digital brother interact in the service of the public; they cohabit and offer the audience a completely new way of discovering, visiting, playing, learning and experimenting.
The HUMANEUS Center offers the public two visits: the first one, physical, in real time, the second one in the virtual world.
The physical and digital centers extend and complement each other, thus multiplying the effects of a visit and offering visitors an extraordinary range of new opportunities.
The Twin Centers System: an original visit
To visit the physical HUMANEUS Center, the public can decide to use the services of a virtual guide, choose a personalized route on the web that can be seen by themselves alone, or if desired by invited persons.
He extends his visit to the HUMANEUS Center by exploring its digital version.
There, in this identically replicated virtual setting, he can discover additional spaces of discovery, participate in adventure tours or even discover the existence of secret rooms hidden in the physical Center.
Conversely, in the physical Center it is possible for the visitor to obtain clues allowing him to access exclusive spaces hidden in the digital Center.
Everything is done in the Twin Center system so that the interaction between the physical and digital centers is as thorough as possible.
Thus, the forms of visit and discovery are endless, they can be supplemented by events, completely new video games or sports competitions interacting live between reality and digital.
A new way of playing that develops technological research
Visitors can join or compete in a completely innovative course of events, bringing together groups of participants competing or collaborating in both the digital and physical worlds in real time.
The audience is then immersed in multiple environments. These settings transcend cultural barriers and encourage and inspire exploration through the manipulation of real and virtual props.
These courses can be combined and practiced individually or in teams, at a national or international level.

The Twin Centers System is an evolutionary system that develops research related to new immersive technologies associated with artificial intelligence.
Ultimately, the Twin Centers system has been conceived as a technological challenge. This has strongly influenced the design of the entire HUMANEUS Center, and all its spaces conceived as realms of magic and illusion where wonder and mystery are deployed to enhance the visit, discovery, and fun.
As for all the other activities within the HUMANEUS Center complex, the Twin Centers concept is constantly developed and updated by the EIDÔLON Studio in collaboration with its international partners and all the staff of the LEIBNIZ Institute.
The Twin Centers constitute a whole in which the two parts – physical and digital – are independent, but which display their full capabilities only when they function in a joint way.